Saturday, October 17, 2009

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

our lives are defined by oppurtunities, even the ones we missed.

you can be mad as a mad dog at the way things went, you can swear and curse the fates but when it comes to the end. you have to let it go.

sometimes were on a collison course and we just dont know it whether its by accident or be design theres not a thing we can do about it

for what its worth, its never too late to be whoever you want to be, theres no time limit, start whenever you want you can change or stay the same there are no rules to this thing we can make the best or the worst of it and i hope you make the best of it and i hope you see things that startle you and i hope you feel things you never felt before, i hope you meet people with a different point of view, i hope you live a life youre proud of, and if you find that youre not, i hope you have the strength to start all over again.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

too much too late

"you could say that about me, i dont, but you could and i'd like it if once in a while, you would."

"you can add it to jy list of rock'n'roll rules."

"but they were sort of hopeful i between all those blues"

"who told you, you knew shit about love"

"everyone can fuck but getting satsifaction that was much more complicated and unchartered."

"shes the kind of girl you have to look over twice. the first time in admiration, the next in disbelief."

Almost Famous

"I always tell the girls, never take it seriously. if you never take it seriously, you'll never get hurt, you'll always have fun and if you ever get lonely you just go to the record store and visit your friends."

"you got starry eyes my friend."

"but here I am telling my secrets to the one person youre not supposed to tell secrets to."

"famous people are just more interesting."

"lets say all the things we never said"

"i didnt invent the rainy day, i just own the best umbrella"

Barack Obama

"focusing your life solely on making a bucks hows a certain poverty of ambition. it asks too little of yourself because its only when you hitch your wagon to something larger than yourself that you realize your true potentional"

"if youre walking down the right path and youre willing to keep walking, eventually you'll make progress"

"we need to interalize this idea of excellence, not many folks spend a lot of time trying to be excellent."

Audrey Hepburn

quotes that Audrey said:

"I was born with an enormous need for affection and a terrible need to give it"

"i love people who make me laugh, i honestly think its the thing i like most, to laugh. it cures a multitude of ills, its probably the most important thing in a person"

"only simplicity & the turth count, it has to come from the inside. you can't fake it."

"what makes two people happy? its like fingerprints, each one is different personally, i need a lot of loving, being loved and giving love. real love. after that he rest takes care of itself."

"im rather cheerful by nature"

"when in doubt, love."

"i think an animal, especially a dog, is possibly the purest experience you can have. no person and few children are as unpremeditatted, as understanding, really."

"the most important thing is to be enjoy your life - be happy - it's all that matters"

"who thinks youre as fantastic as your dog does?"

"i have always known what i wanted, and that was beauty in every form."

quotes about Audrey:

"God kissed her on the cheek and there she was" Billy Wilder

"Audrey represents the better version of yourself - you never felt less for being in the room with her, you felt more."

"i dont know how long we last in peoples memories, but if anyone has the right to be rememered, she does" Blake Edwards

"she had a delicious sense of humor"

random authors and quoatations

since this is the first post it will be a gathering of many different quotes from authors, actors, movies etc. the following posts will generally be categorized by movie, book or person.

Andy Warhol:

"the idea of waiting for something makes it more exciting"

"i wonder if its possible to have a love affair that lasts forever"

"art is what you can get away with"

"everybody must have a fantasy"

Augusten Burroughs:

"i like though that people have a hunger to connect with other people. theyre desperate to know that youre not lying to them or misleading them"

"i myself am made up entirely of flaws, stitched together with good intentions

"i know exactly how that is, to love somebody who doesnt deserve it. because they are all you have, because any attenton is better than no attention" Augusten Burroughs, Running with Scissors

Woody Allen

Love is the answer, but while you are waiting for the answer, sex raises some pretty good questions

its not that im afraid to die, i just dont want to be there when it happens

Anonymous but great

god made the world round so we would never be able to see too far down the road - anonymous

you remind me of a song i used to love - anonymous

dont let your past dictate who you are, but let it be apart of who you become

intelligent people talk about ideas, mediocre people talk about events and dumb people, talk about people.

making excuses doesnt change the truth

beauty only gets attention but personality captures the heart

"I will fascinate you"

"she is fiercely loving"

"my interest is in the future because I am going to spend the rest of my life there" anonymous


the chief danger in life is that you may take too many precautions - Alfred Adler

all a man needs in this life is someone to love if you cant give him that, give him something to hope for, if you cant give him that, just give him something to do. - Flight of the Phoenix

good things take time, great things happen all at once - Rat Race

I may not have gone where I intended to go, but i think i have ended up where i intended to be - Douglas Adams

"it takes a pretty special woman to make you feel that shitty" how to loose your lover

"i dont have that carrie bradshaw passion and devotion to [fashion] but i would prefer that life would allow for a beautiful shoe all day long" Sarah Jessica Parker

"you have to give people a fantasy" Christian Louboutin

"the reality of people and all their flaws is what makes them beautiful" sex and the city

"people will believe anything you tell them as long as its a compliment" Phoebe Bufay, Friends

"well every answer can't be fascinating" Griffin and Phoenix

"59 minutes and 23 seconds of backwards, forwards, pure, uninterupted psychedalia" McJohn

"you grow up the day you have your first real laugh at yourself" Ethel Barrymore